January 2024


  1. We have had several close friends either have close family members diagnosed with cancer or diagnosed themselves. Please pray for them and for us that we will walk with them well.

  2. We have had some ministry opportunities recently presented to us in Bosnia and India. Please pray that God would give us wisdom and discernment as to which trips to take. Kim is also preparing for a trip to Romania where she will be doing women’s Bible training and evangelism.

  3. The Lord will provide more supporters and more opportunities to present to churches.


  1. We are thankful for the Lord’s direction.

  2. We have experienced the answer to your prayers as we have been growing in our abiding with Christ through His Word and have grown in consistency with our prayer time together.

  3. The Lord has continued to bring more supporters, and we have had many meetings with churches.

  4. We were able to share and spend Sunday with a wonderful group of believers at Bancroft Congregational Church.

  5. The Lord faithfully saw us through the flu and has restored our health.

Support Update:

  1. We are currently at 69 subscribers to the newsletter.

  2. We are at 31% of monthly support we are required to raise.


Transitions are rarely easy. You stand at the threshold of what was and what is to come. Transitions hold a hint of mystery of the unknown. Whether it’s a new year or new path, hope is often mingled with uncertainty. One constant in our lives is change. Hebrews 1:3 says that Jesus upholds the universe by the word of His power. Jesus sustains every part of creation, which includes our lives and yours. Regardless of what season you are when you read this update, we pray that your souls will be both comforted and rejoice in the truth that Jesus will sustain you. He is our faithful provider!

We are at a new threshold in our lives. We have been seeking the Lord’s will as to when to make the transition from Mark working full time to us doing ministry full time. We feel like the Lord is leading for Mark to be done at the end of March. Although, we are not fully supported, we are going to walk by faith and trust that the Lord will provide. We oddly feel great peace about this and are thankful that we get to see firsthand how God is going to provide. We get to have a deeper fellowship with the Lord as we depend on Him in new ways. What a privilege to serve our great God!

Fun Fact:

We already have 2 dogs, Kobe and Shaq, but now our daughters have also added a hamster, Sherlock, and a puppy, Ivy. Here are pictures of our pets.


Marching Forward….


October and November Highlights…..